Saturday 26 September 2009

This photo's not empty

One of my photographs (not the one above) got the full Andrew Denny treatment yesterday. Andrew picked up on my comment that nothing was really happening in the picture - the emptiness - and went on to talk about furniture, the "moment", itching, weight and so on.

He passed it through his box of tricks and made it look a lot better, lightening the bits which were too dark, and finding sunlight in the foliage which I hadn't known was there. Andrew graciously suggested that it was a pool of sunlight on the water in the foreground which had caught my eye: if it was, it was entirely subconsciously. My photos are really just snapshots, and if any look OK it's more by chance than any real skill on my part.

I was pleased with the photo above, which I took at Coventry Basin at the end of last year (just before the canal froze over). I like the moon and the star-effect lamps; and the overall composition. Now I could try a bit of colour correction to remove some of the yellowness...

1 comment:

Vallypee said...

I took a look at Andrew's comments. Very useful Halfie. Great to get such professional feedback and tips. On balance though, I prefer your photo in its original state. Sometmes shadows just are that dark, and to lighten them looks unnatural to me, bu then I'm not an expert.